The fourth collaboration between LOWSON and PICFA has begun! This is the fourth installment, following the "MACHI café" cup design in February 2022, the SDGs handbook (cover) in August, and...


The fourth collaboration between LOWSON and PICFA has begun! This is the fourth installment, following the "MACHI café" cup design in February 2022, the SDGs handbook (cover) in August, and...


[OSAJI×PICFA] ​​Give art as a gift

2022.12.07 .Wed 12:00 OPEN [OSAJI×PICFA] ​​Give art as a gift Masaharu Honda ( Honda) Masahiro) created the art.

[OSAJI×PICFA] ​​Give art as a gift

2022.12.07 .Wed 12:00 OPEN [OSAJI×PICFA] ​​Give art as a gift Masaharu Honda ( Honda) Masahiro) created the art.


[NEWS] Announcement of new titles to be added i...

2022.12.01 ART WORKS works have been added. See all ART WORKS here. ◆Additional works◆ Takashi Nishiyori 's works can be found here. Yukino Higashijima 's works can be found here....

[NEWS] Announcement of new titles to be added i...

2022.12.01 ART WORKS works have been added. See all ART WORKS here. ◆Additional works◆ Takashi Nishiyori 's works can be found here. Yukino Higashijima 's works can be found here....



2022.11. 18.Fri 12:00 OPEN PICFA's new challenge "ENDRE:PROJECT" is about to begin! This is a sustainable project with the themes of ENDLESS and REPRODUCTION, breathing new life into things that...


2022.11. 18.Fri 12:00 OPEN PICFA's new challenge "ENDRE:PROJECT" is about to begin! This is a sustainable project with the themes of ENDLESS and REPRODUCTION, breathing new life into things that...

【EVENT】おおいた障がい者芸術文化支援センター 企画展 vol.4 「Junction art」

[EVENT] Oita Arts and Culture Support Center fo...

Oita Arts and Culture Support Center for People with Disabilities Special Exhibition vol.4 "Junction art" Please enjoy the artworks of people with disabilities living in Oita Prefecture, as well as...

[EVENT] Oita Arts and Culture Support Center fo...

Oita Arts and Culture Support Center for People with Disabilities Special Exhibition vol.4 "Junction art" Please enjoy the artworks of people with disabilities living in Oita Prefecture, as well as...


[NEWS] Announcement of new titles to be added i...

2022.11.01 ART WORKS works have been added. See all ART WORKS here. ◆Additional works◆ Click here for Sakurako Shinozaki 's works. Yasuha Suzuki 's works can be found here. Masaharu...

[NEWS] Announcement of new titles to be added i...

2022.11.01 ART WORKS works have been added. See all ART WORKS here. ◆Additional works◆ Click here for Sakurako Shinozaki 's works. Yasuha Suzuki 's works can be found here. Masaharu...